Bella Brazilian Beauty Salon

Bella Babe's Waxing

We love to wax! And Bella Brazilian are renowned for the perfect wax!

We offer all types of waxing for our Bella Babes – from legs to lips and all areas in between, waxing is our specialty. Every body has unwanted hair.
Waxing is such a quick and efficient method of removing hair and leaves the waxed area beautifully silky smooth.


Choose your area

We offer a full range of waxing services

For those unwanted or longer lip hairs, waxing is an ideal solution.


Longer or fuzzy chin hair? Wax’em off!


Lengthy hairs inside your nostrils can be regularly waxed.


Eyebrow Tidy 
Tidy and shape those brows with a regular wax.


Face – Cheeks 
Target fuzz and unwanted hairs on your cheeks.


Face – Full 
For a full face wax (including cheeks, chin, lip and brow).


Under Arms 
Keep your under arms super smooth and tidy.


Arms – Half
For super silky smooth skin.


Arms – Full 
For super silky-smooth arms (includes hands and fingers).


Legs – Bottom Half 
For silky calves and lower legs, waxing is so convenient.


Legs – Top Half 
For the silkiest thighs and upper legs.


Legs – 3/4 
The 3/4 leg wax is one of our most popular treatments.


Legs – Full 
Super silky-smooth legs from top to bottom!


Thighs – Back Only 
To control and remove the fuzz and unwanted hair on the backs of your thighs.


Remove unwanted hair from your tummy area.


Tummy Line 
Remove unwanted hair from your tummy line.


Bum Cheeks 
For those baby smooth bum cheeks!


For any random patches of unwanted hair.

$10 – $15


The first thing we would like to say is that our therapists have seen so many naked body parts that they all start to look the same after a while. Don’t forget our therapists also have regular waxing, and every 4 weeks they are on the receiving end of the spatula so they know exactly how you feel.

Every body has unwanted hair. Waxing is a quick and efficient method of removing hair leaving the area that has been waxed silky smooth.

You can lay back and escape, or you can chat to our therapist. It’s your choice.

Your therapist will use a professional wax that has been designed specifically for salon waxing. and will decide the best type of wax (hot or strip) depending on the area to be waxed. The therapist spreads the wax onto your skin and as quickly as possible removes the wax, taking the hair and dead skin cells along with it. Once the hairs have been removed we apply Bodyscope Antiseptic Body Lotion which can be purchased and used at home.

We recommend that you use the Bodyscope Alphahydroxy Skin Wash at home too, to help maintain skin health and removal of bacteria and dead skin cell build up. This can be used all over the body instead of soap.

This is different for everyone and will depend on your skin type, amount and strength of hair. If you are stressed and tired the more likely it will hurt. It is best to avoid waxing just prior to your period. Your first wax session is usually the most uncomfortable, however your therapist will make it as quick and painless as possible.

Our specially designed Lycon Wax helps to reduce the skin sensitivity.

Unfortunately no. But with regular waxing the hair becomes softer, more sparse and often lighter in colour.  As the hairs are removed with the root, waxing will not promote growth like shaving or using hair removal creams. Waxing also provides a deep form of exfoliation and according to the American Academy of Dermatology, this type of physical exfoliation removes dead skin cells from the top layer of skin to promote collagen production and boost the efficacy of topical treatments.

You will need to wax every 3-4 weeks depending on your hair regrowth rate. Hair growth tends to grow more quickly in hot weather than it does in colder weather, so you may wish to consider making your next appointment before you check out.

Do not shave between waxing treatments as this distorts the hair growth cycle and makes hair thicker, tougher and more course.

We use two types of waxing methods – hot and strip wax. Hot wax is perfect for sensitive areas of the body where it is spread over a thin layer of pre waxing oil to stop it sticking to the skin. The hair becomes embedded in the wax as it cools and hardens. The wax is then pulled off quickly in the opposite direction of the hair growth, removing wax, hair, root, and all. For other areas less sensitive, we use strip wax. Strip wax is applied thinly over larger areas of the body. The hair is embedded in the wax. A special strip is then applied over the area and rubbed onto the skin. The strip is then removed quickly from the body removing the hair, root and all. Sometimes powder may be applied prior to the wax.

In order for waxing to be most effective hair length should be 1cm to 2 cm long depending on the thickness of the hair.

You should avoid using waxing for hair removal if you are currently on, or in the last 3-4 months have used Retin–A or Accutane medications, or you are sunburnt or had a recent peel.

Do we ever! As our name suggests – at Bella Brazilian, we are specialists at Brazilian Waxing!

Tap here to find out more about our Brazilian Waxing treatments.

Our promise to you

At Bella Brazilian, we do not compromise on quality, so only the best quality wax is used. We never recycle wax and we never double dip during Brazilian waxing.
We only use disposable waxing spatulas and all items are safely disposed of and rooms thoroughly cleaned prior to each appointment. Hygiene is of utmost importance and we ensure we maintain our hygiene protocols at all times and provide you with a COVID safe environment.
We respect and uphold client confidentiality at all times and all treatments are carried out in private, comfortable rooms.

Bella Babe's Waxing


As waxing experts, we strongly believe that your 'after-wax care' is just as important as the wax itself.
Therefore during your appointment, we will explain all of our after-wax care recommendations and tips (below):
To keep your wax looking fabulous, try to do the following;
  • Avoid the sun, solariums for 24 hours after wax as skin sensitivity can be increased
  • Avoid wearing make-up, moisturisers or deodorant for 24 hours after waxing
  • Avoid going to the gym, exercise, swimming or excess sweating for 24 hours after waxing
  • Avoid hot showers straight after waxing
  • It’s best to avoid waxing just before or just after your period as your skin is more sensitive
  • Avoid tight clothing or synthetic stockings after waxing as they can irritate the skin
  • After a Brazilian or Extended Bikini Wax, go to sleep without any undies on – or if you have to, wear cotton undies

If your skin is sensitive after waxing, apply a cold washer or ice to reduce the redness. You may also use an anti-histamine lotion.


Between waxes we advise the following:
  • Try not to shave between waxing
  • Loofah the waxed area about a week after waxing and continue to do so 2-3 times a week Don’t loofah until at least 3 days after your wax
  • The loofah should be synthetic as the natural ones love to grow bacteria
  • Loofah 2-3 times a week with Bodyscope Alphahydroxy Skin Wash. No more than this as the skins natural oils need to be maintained
  • Bodyscope Pure Antibacterial Tea Tree Oil is available if you experience in-grown hairs
  • Moisturise every day with Bodyscope Handand Body Lotion. The follicles are open after waxing and are prone to infection
  • Try to shower straight after exercise, as excess sweat can block follicles and lead to bacterial infections, causing little white pimples to occur
For the ultimate skincare and beauty experience in the heart of the Gold Coast.

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